How to have your kitchen renovated by a kitchen designer in Nice
Renovating a kitchen is always an important investment, but it always adds character to the house or flat if it is well done. In this case, the property can be rented or resold in better conditions.
Prior steps to be taken
As long as the work does not change the external appearance of the house, no formalities need to be carried out with the town hall. However, if you plan to carry out relatively heavy work, you should inform the syndicate of co-owners of the project, which will indicate any conditions to be met. In some cases, the authorisation of the co-owners’ assembly is mandatory.
Finding a craftsman
The first step is always to eliminate professionals who are not registered in the trade register. Such an omission reveals that these individuals are engaged in undeclared gainful activity, which is a serious offence and shows that they are not reliable. Furthermore, a contractor who does not have professional indemnity insurance should not be trusted.
Once you have made this pre-selection, you should call for tenders from several reputable kitchen builders in Nice and compare their quotes.
Information to be included in each estimate
The legislator requires that the professionals give to the consumers all the precisions allowing those to decide in full knowledge of cause. It is thus necessary that each estimate of cooker contains precise indications like the name and the address of the customer as well as the complete co-ordinates of the professional (namely its name or its corporate name, the address of its buildings, its address e-mail and its telephone number).
Make sure you also include their trade or business registration number, the date of the estimate and its period of validity, as well as the date of availability of the craftsman and the expected duration of the work. His hourly rate for labour or his fixed cost should be clearly stated, as should the terms of payment and execution of the work.
Other miscellaneous elements must be included in an estimate:
- The total amount to be paid exclusive of tax, the VAT and the rates applied for its calculation;
- the total amount including all taxes;
- the terms of performance of the contract and payment;
- the steps to be taken in the event of a complaint;
- the guarantees offered and the conditions of after-sales service.
If something has been omitted or is incomplete, the craftsman must be asked to provide the missing information in a written and signed document.
The choice of the craftsman cuisiniste in Nice
Once you have received the quotations from the kitchen designers in Nice, you should compare them by examining their content closely. In order to get the most out of the budget set, the price-quality ratio of each offer must be carefully evaluated, taking into account its specific advantages. In doing so, you may find that a contractor who charges a little more than his competitors may actually be offering a better deal. This is the case, for example, if he commits himself to supplying kitchen furniture made of high-quality materials.
On the other hand, if the overall price is slightly above the budget, it is always possible to negotiate a discount. To be sure of choosing the best professional, the consumer can search for comments published on the Internet about craftsmen who have made interesting offers. This simple search will reveal which tradespeople have satisfied the most people and which have received unfavourable reviews. It is clear that if a professional is widely criticised for poor workmanship, it is advisable not to proceed with his offer.